Friday, March 13, 2009

Blackjack 101

This lesson is for the beginner. The once or twice a year player. This lesson we'll just teach you the most basic of skills. The object of the game is to get the closest to 21 without going over. You are only playing against the dealers hand and not everyone at the table.

Some basic strategies to follow when playing blackjack for the first few times. Always know what the dealer has up. Sounds funny but, and it is when a new player doesn't know what the dealers up card is for. So remember check the dealers up card and add 10 to it. Why add 10? Well since you can't see the bottom card you assume that, that card is a ten. So if the dealer's showing a 6 up, count it as 16. If a dealers up card is a 10, count it as 20.

OK basic as basic can be. Now lets look at your hand. If you have 17 or better, your done. Stay on hand and hope for the best.

If your hand totals 12-16 take a hit only if dealer is showing a 7 or better. Stay when dealer has 6 or less. Why? The dealer must have a hand between 17-21. If the dealer is showing a 6 you know he must take a hit. The chances of the dealer busting (Over 21) are greater if he has to take a hit. If the dealer goes over 21 you win. Period! If you have a 5 and the dealer has 22 you win.

Now back to your hand. say you have a 10 or 11 and the dealer has anything less than a 10 showing, double your hand. That means put up equal money for 1 card. If you win, you win twice as much. if your hand is 9 or less hit against every thing.

That's about as simple as it gets. Hands to split are 8s and As always and never split 10s. Simple Blackjack. Your dealers know the games pretty well. If you have questions on how you should play your hands, most casinos will allow the dealer to tell you the best move on your part. Does it always work? Nope! Remember when playing blackjack to have fun, nobody likes a sore loser. Its a game of ups a downs. You'll win some and you'll lose some. Have fun!

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